With rising costs everywhere I can understand the need for being frugal with money. Gas prises are up, food costs are up, utilities are up, and of course wages are down. It is hard to get people to part with their hard earned income. You see people outside the stores trying to get people to even contribute 5 cents to their cause, yet they rush by ignoring them, hoarding that 5 cents. And yet I understand that, who knows how long it will take to earn that 5 cents back. What I can't understand is why people are so frugal with things that are free. What happened to volunteering? Now I know time is money, but I am referring to that extra time people can always seem to find that would otherwise get wasted doing inconsequential and meaningless things. That is not to take away from quality time spent with kids, but what about teaching them the value of volunteering? Giving of oneself. And what about something as simple as a smile? It's free, people!!! Yesterday, I was at the grocery store and spent 13 minutes just in the checkout line (and there were only 2 people in front of me). During that time the checkout line I went through did not crack a smile once. She looked miserable at being at work that day. Didn't acknowledge customers in the least. The checker in the next lane was flagging down every employee she could find to tell them it's time for her to go home. I get off now, come and close me off was being chanted over and over again. She even left her spot to walk around and close her lane down. And what was sad was, there were only 2 lanes open and a minimum of 5 people standing in each lane. Again, customer service, people. If you are so unhappy with your jobs that it spills onto your customers I think it's time to find a new job. Oh yeah, there aren't many jobs out there. Then
grin and bear it. It doesn't cost anything and who knows, after a while, a chain may start. Customers may smile back and you may find your job is not so bad as you thought. Pay it forward people. Starts with a smile.