Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I have never been so busy... I work non-stop from the moment I get to work. I take orders, invoice, resolve customer service issues, and now I am doing sales. I am in charge of selling to small gourmet and nutrition/health stores and am working on just being the rep for the Hispanic market. It may seem odd, except for the fact that my husband is Mexican. It's really going to be him. I sell VitaCl... cookers. I can't list the name because my boss has a google search for her product. It really is a cool product though. It is a rice cooker / slow cooker that uses a clay pot insert. It is healthy and natural, and yes, I can see how to market it to Hispanics. Asians are really liking it. It is doing well in the Chinese market. I am new to marketing and sales, but am doing ok on my learning company. I even sold 4 cookers from the trade show today (a week later)... Yeah!! So I am swamped at work. And then I come to the house and I have school. I am going back to pursue Accounting, however, it is interesting to note that I really enjoy my business law class even more. Law has really nothing to do with morality, which I found challenging in the beginning. My enjoyment of this class really surprises me. I like this class better than the Accounting, which I have 20 years experience in. Nutrition is killing me and this week is mid-terms. Yes, I study all the time. After work - Weekends - Even early in the morning. In addition to laundry, cleaning, studying with my son... Next week is spring break and I hope to enjoy it. I'd better rest while I can because my fourth class kicks in the following Monday - and it's a semester course packed into a half semester. Double the work - double the .. well I don't know. The course is Psychology (a GED option) and I hope it's not as hard as it appears. So, back to studying... chapter test for Accounting tomorrow and mid-term on Friday. I feel like the white rabbit---I'm late -I'm late...

Business Trip

I went on my first ever business trip. I went to a trade show in Anaheim. The show started on Friday morning and lasted through Sunday. My boss was there until Friday afternoon then she left to go to another trade show in Chicago. Once my boss left I had a lot of fun. We "rented" space from another exhibitor and they were so much fun. The only thing I didn't enjoy was the traffic. There were so many cars it took an hour to drive a couple blocks. I would definitely do a trade show again (as long as my boss doesn't come). She is just a nervous person and tries to manage everyone - including those who don't work for her. I made a few contacts who want to work with me (not her), so we'll see how it goes.... Sales all go into one place anyway, so no worries.