I was watching Jay Leno on Monday and his guest was Russell Crowe. Now, Russell Crowe is not a US Citizen, for which he's probably grateful considering the financial crisis that is going on here. He did come up with a solution to the financial crisist though. I have to say that I tend to like his solution. The population of the US at this point in time is about 300 million, and Congress is trying to pass a $700 billion bailout. His solution is, instead of using all of that bailout money to fix a problem the system created and have the taxpayers pay for it, is give each person $1 million. That would stimulate the economy. I am pretty sure the American public would get behind that one. Sure beats the stimulous package they did earlier. $300 per person, with loopholes so you can't even the entire amount. I definitely like the Russell Crowe solution. People would have money to buy up the foreclosed homes, thus saving the banks. Not charity for them. They get the properties off their books and now have money in their coffers. Neighborhoods won't look pathetic. Businesses wouldn't go under. So, Congress, I hope you were watching Jay. There is a solution out there. With it being an election year, imagine how many votes you'd get for a proposition like that.