Again, the warm fuzzies from my parents. Got a test from them on Saturday stating we needed to pay our monthly rent and utilities by Sunday. Yeah, we'll get right on that! Hubby still hasn't been paid for his work, so we have no way of paying them anything. We scraped up money to pay the utilities and he walked the check across the hall. Turns out my mother is retiring in 2-3 weeks and they are relying on our rent money to subsidize her retirement. Oh Dear!! That money is already considered in their budget and is accounted for. No missing of rent to be found. So... hubby explains he hasn't been paid... blah... blah...blah... and we'll pay the rent on Tuesday. He schmoozes a bit more and then comes back to our room. He tells me what they discussed and says they are relying on our money to get them through her retirement, but we won't be here forever and are planning to move. He has work for the next 2-4 weeks, but after that, we plan to leave. (Um, note to self.. find ut where we are going and how we are going to survive there!). I asked him if he talked to them about our daughter. Let's see, the public school system goes back on August 29th, which is about 5 weks away. As of now, my daughter has no way of registering for school. I am still dealing with the medical check-up, dental visit, and last of the immunizations. Oh, yeah, and that minor issue of NOT HAVING A PLACE OF RESIDENCE!!! I asked if he talked to them about filling out papers so she could start kindergarten next month. He looked at me, all confused, and said, "why? we are moving." I about fell over. Number one, neither of us have jobs out of this area, but let's combine that with we have no place to live out of this area. I so wanted to smack him. My daughter is supposed to start school in 5 weeks, but it is looking more and more like it won't happen and I don't know how to fix it. The countdown continues....