Where do some ideas come from? Jerry Seinfeld asked how someone could look at a horse and think "hey, I could make glue from that". They are not related in any way, shape or form. Jerry's idea works on other things as well. Let's take a pine tree. Juniper berries are the berries that grow on pine trees. Now, who in their right mind would stare at a juniper berry, growing innocently on it's tree, and think "hey, I can make gin with that. And yet, that's where gin comes from...a juniper berry. What about barley. Barley is a cereal grain. What farmer, tired after a hard day of work plowing his barley field, comes into his house, and says, "dear, boil the barley because I'm thirsty". And yet someone had the bright idea to mix barley with yeast, call it a wort, let it ferment and have it come out beer. Apparently, I am not that far-sighted. Grains are for cereal and bread. Yeast is to make breads and other baked products. And a wort is, well, let's not go there. Add all those ingredients and it sounds pretty unappetizing, yet people guzzle it down because it's called "beer". Go figure.