Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Human Decency

I'm glad to see that human decency will prevail. As I had mentioned earlier, I do not feel that California's Proposition 2 is/was/should have been a political issue. It still passed. Animals now need to be treated humanely. That should have been a no brainer, but it still took normal, every day people to vote to force those animal abusers into having some common decency. Go figure, if you are making money off of the animals, wouldn't it be in your best interests to take care of them. Apparently not. Well now you all have to. I am glad to see that no matter how much of a downward spiral the world seems to be going down, there are those out there who do have compassion for the animals who depend on us to look after them. It took millions of dollars for and against this issue to force the humane treatment of these animals. Too bad those caring for the animals weren't born with that gene. Would have been a lot easier. If you have no emotions for animals, maybe you should find another line of work.


Yeah, I got to bake cookies today!! If anything can cheer me up, it's cookies. Well, not really cookies, but the dough. The weather has been bad, my mood has been down, so what else is there but baking?? Oatmeal cookies were Monday, yesterday were Banana Nut Muffins and Orange Walnut Breat (now those two were for my mother who can't eat anything with flour) and today it's Chocolate Chip. Realizing how much baking I've done makes me go "no wonder you're not losing weight", except 1/2 wasn't mine and was given away, the oatmeal was for my husband, and the chocolate chip was for my son and me. Now you all know why I don't bake that often. Cookies, since no one seemed to want to get me a cake to drown my sorrows in....oh well, not that I need it anyway. Back to the oven..........