Have you ever known someone who tries to cut corners? My step-father is like that, only he ends up botching it so badly it becomes a total disaster. He is the ultimate cheap skate. They have lived in their home since 1984, but it was originally built in 1979. He is very proud of the fact that they haven't put any money into the home, other than a new roof. Put in money, means pay someone to do the work. He put his own tile in (um, yeah), and the ultimate was the kitchen counters. Not tile, not granite, it's well, I don't know what it is. It's something my husband brought from a job site that apparently caught his fancy. It's like white butcherblock. He installs it himself and well, there's a huge seam right down the middle. (He couldn't have lined it up in like a corner, or not so obvious location). And of course, the seam continues to separate. He weatherproofed his deck, and patched rotted out wood, and let's not even discuss what they call a gazebo. He also converted their master bedroom into a "studio". Have you ever seen a kitchen sink in place of a bathroom sink. Instead of a low basin, it's a deep tub. Not a pretty sight.Now, with the economy being the way it is, he may be cutting satellite tv. He watched a Youtube video on how to make your own antennae and get tv. Sure enough, that was his project today. To test it, he disconnected the satellite. Not only did he mess up the tv, he shut down the internet. Good lord, I need to move...... I have to say that I am pretty happy to not be inheriting this house because when I think of how much money it would take to repair what he's done, well, I don't have that kind of cash.