Saturday, August 21, 2010

Upcoming Semester

So, the next semester starts in 10 days or so. I have a full load and then some. I have Intro to Hospitality Management, which is my only in person class. Hopefully, I can pull this one off. I have Accounting 1B, which is the second semester to my last one. I have Quickbooks, which I am really hoping will help me on a practical level, as I have that on my computer to run my husband's business. QB and Acctg are my only classes for my major. I was able to push out others during the summer session. For my general ed, I have English Composition and American Government as well as Library Science. So, currently, I have 16 units. I am waitlisted for 2 psychology classes. Each are 3 units. I could potentially carry 22 units as well as help my son, who is entering high school, and then work with my daughter, who just missed kindergarten. Life, as I know it, just turned upside down!!! I must be totally insane! On the up side - with 16 units (after this semester) I could have my AA by next May!!!! Long overdue, but I totally made up for lost time! Next stop - my Bachelors!

Coming Up

So, I have one week left before the next semester... I posted on my Facebook that my summer semester (which was majorly intense) yielded 5... that's right 5... A's. I have two complete semesters completed. Fall semester starts on the 30th... unbelievable. I have had to rearrange some classes, dropping one and am waitlisted on 2 others. I would love to complete (or at least take some more) the Hospitality Management courses. My ultimate goal would be to run Disney Resort in LA. Unfortunately, I can't get all the classes in right now that are required. Fortunately, I have discovered another passion - Psychology. I developed an interest in it from listening to a friend of mine and trying to comprehend her problems. Turns out I totally love this field. It helps me on so many levels... I understand people so much better, not to say myself. So, while I am majoring in Accounting, all of my electives are in Psychology. As a side note, I totally need to apologize to my friend. While trying to help, and trying to protect them, I overstepped many boundaries. I have learned that from my classes. I have learned that you have to stay objective and neutral. One of many things I have learned. While I kept many (and yes, there were many) confidences, I was unable to stay neutral, costing me my friend. I can see how hard it must be for a therapist to listen to things and not want to totally butt in. Fortunately, I am one who learns from her mistakes. I have been helping a friend of mine deal with a semi-abusive husband and am now trying to help my niece. Not to give advice, but to help them help themselves. My advice is "I can't tell you what to do... no one can, you have to figure it out yourself." Fortunately, I am good with that! I cannot control people (as much as I wish I could). I make my own fair share of mistakes so I have to learn to let others make their own mistakes. That is the only way we can learn! It seems as if I am always learning.... But I am trying to never make the same mistake twice. So -to Mei - I am sorry for interfering... it was only with the best of intentions... and I haven't made the same mistake since.... Love ya and miss you! Wishing you all the best. If it wasn't for you I never would have discovered the love of psychology.

My Niece

So, I'm on Facebook, and my niece puts up "Ready to die...Resurrect and then Live!" How am I supposed to react??? Like any good aunt, I respond back via Facebook... then call. She doesn't answer and so I panic. Fortunately, she calls back in a reasonable amount of time. We have a productive conversation and leave it at that. Now I get to break the news to her uncle. You see, I am not her biological aunt, but a "political aunt" (it's a Mexican thing). Because of decisions she made when she was younger, i.e. turning her back on the grandparents who raised her over her biological mother (their daughter), it is held against her. Now, I can understand that there is some issue; however, you cannot hold decisions of teenagers against them for their entire lives. I have seen that she has been in pain for many years. It's manifested itself in the tattoos she gets. There is so much pain in her eyes it breaks my heart. She tattoos while others cut themselves. I don't know why people don't see it. They see it as rebellion, and I see it as a way of relieving her pain. It is so clear and I don't know how to bridge the two opposing sides.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Turns out psychology has been my favorite subject for the last two semesters. I don't have a psych course for the fall, and I am rather bummed by it. This is a course that totally makes sense to me. I can see my life in hindsight and see where I've been screwed up and where I've screwed up myself. I love psychology and can see myself majoring in it.... oh yeah! except nobody would pay to hear my take on things... oh well! I see myself and my life so clearly as to how I got here and I can see my best friend as well. The triangle of love was so clear!!! I am so ready to move on, but I need a place to move to... so I'll keep on applying and hope a job opens up somewhere. At least I have 26 units of college down, that's always a plus. I need my life to turn around and after what I've been learning it's time for me to take the initiative. I had been scared of the "what if", but that ship has sailed. If I get something for me that will benefit my kids I'm all over it. One job opening is all it takes... and I'm gone.... to whereever the wind takes us. Interesting how my classes are rounding me out... Business Law, Psychology (x2), Accounting, Business Computers, Control Costs, Business, etc. I desperately need a job so I can support me and my two kids. I hope I can find something.... anything would be good at this point.