Wednesday, February 23, 2011

No Stress

So, I have a new assignment. I need to figure out a way to make a million dollars within the next 3-4 years. Sure... no pressure.... I need some ideas.... I am reading all kinds of stuff, some of which actually makes sense. Yes, I know that money doesn't grow on trees and there is no instant influx of cash. I need to find a logical way to make money in a relatively short amount of time. That is his only goal and I need to find a way to achieve it. Sure... no stress.... So, why am I wasting my time blogging - I have work to do!!!


I am feeling like a nomad these days. In 2010 we didn't go anywhere for the entire year. This year we went on a 2 week vacation, had to leave for 5 days so I could do a job test as well as do a job interview. We are also displaced due to family visiting my parents. We were "asked" to leave while they visited. We are staying with a couple who have adult children and their house is immaculate. The stress is on!!! We arrived yesterday and are supposed to stay through Monday. Don't think we'll make it. Hubby's nerves are shot and well, so are mine. We stayed with this couple before, but only my son was with us. He is quite mellow and would stay in a room reading a book or playing his Gameboy. My daughter is all over the place and with a "perfect" home it is difficult. All of their closet doors are mirrors.... and you have to squeegee the shower after you use it... It's not my daughter's fault in any way, but trying to ensure we leave everything as perfect as it was is difficult. My daughter enjoys life and so is um.... loud. These are people who go to bed at 9. Oh, yeah... and shoes come off at the door (which is not a problem), and all food is eaten at the table not anywhere else in the house. So.... hubby wants to move to a hotel for the weekend. While I have no problem with that on an intellectual level (especially since there are no tv channels for the kids) my problem is that it costs money. Hubby hasn't worked more than a week all year so far. We keep moving around... In fact, school books just arrived yesterday and I am in the middle of week 3. We definitely need our own place!

Saturday, February 5, 2011


So, we came back from vacation today and reality hit with a great big thud! btw, we had an awesome time on vacation, which I will post about later. Got in at 2 am and in less than 18 hours the confrontation occurred. Anyway.... got the job interview moved to the day before the testing for the other job so that worked out well. One trip to wrap up two potential job details. Yeah! Looks like we may be staying in SoCal for a while tho due to new issues up here. Glad my classes are online so I can travel. Hopefully, I can work something out for my English class. I have one midterm and a final I need to show up in person for. We'll see what the future holds!