Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Schools - Again

Tomorrow I am doing something I had sworn I wouldn't do--change my son's school - Again! Now I researched schools over the summer and planned to put him into a school that would enable him to settle in throughout his junior high school years. (Can't believe I am saying junior high). But, the school I thought would work is failing miserably. So tomorrow, he and I will be walking around the corner and signing him up there. This means more work will fall onto me because the public school system will only take him if he is on "independent study". As a side note this is bad timing because a temp agency called and are sending my resume out for an available position. Great, I don't know what to root for at this point...but I digress. Schooling-unbelievable that I have to do this. But it is for my son's long term educational benefit. He is a little too smart for his own good, and I don't mean that in a good way. First off he doesn't like on-line schooling. He loves to surround himself with the books and watch them shrink as he works his way through his day. The way this on-line school works is take the assessment first. If you pass it with a 90% or more you can skip all of the lessons. One test and voila! you are done. Guess what, my son has "mastered" all of his lessons at 100%. Sounds great, sounds like a genius. But - no...... There's a minor loophole. Once you take the assessment and hit "submit" the test will give you the results. It gives you all of the answers you gave, if they were right and if not, what the right answer is. Then he goes back out and retakes the test... We talked about it yesterday and I said well that's all fine and dandy but he's not learning anything. He said he's learning how to memorize. His first month into junior high school and he's figured out how to get around the system. Should I be worried about high school???

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