As an ordinary, middle-class citizen I can stretch a dollar if I need to. I can tighten the belt even more, although I think I'm already a size 2 (financially, not physically). So, it boggles my mind that someone can't live on $17.5 million per year. That's what the Queen of England makes per year, and she now wants a raise. You have got to be kidding me. Now it's hard enough to comprehend the fact that she can't survive on that, especially since she only has herself to support. The hubby and kids each have their own salaries. What makes it more difficult to comprehend is for her to get a pay raise is, the taxpayers have to pay for it. Her income is dependent on taxes. Like times aren't tough enough with ordinary people scraping to get buy, now they are going to have to shell out more money so she can get - as Jay Leno says "dowdy handbags." I don't think a quarter of her citizens even make 1% of her annual income, yet they are expected to pay her more? Go figure.... Nice job if you can get it.
1 comment:
Ah... when I actually get to do her job - all of it as well as she does then maybe - just maybe I'll be able to comment on this. For now, all I can is... long live the Queen!
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