Well, it looks like it actually might happen this time. The husband actually met with the admissions person (after many hours of on-line work and setting things up) on Monday. Looks like he'll start on October 4. I applied for admission on Tuesday, but am still waiting to get my student id number. If all goes well, I too should be starting back to school on August 31. While the husband is going to do live classes mine will need to be entirely on-line. The tricky part will be not letting anyone find out that we are in fact in college. Husband made the mistake of mentioning it to someone who went with the "are you crazy... materialistic.... not spiritual.... blah, blah, blah" route. And that was from a friend. Imagine my parents.... good lord I hope we can pull this off. The job market is so tight these days that we need to do something. I have been applying for work like crazy. One person actually called me, and in the course of the conversation she mentioned that she had over 400 resumes for her one position. The fact that I haven't worked full-time recently is not playing out well. Hopefully, the going back to college will help. Couldn't hurt...
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