Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Growing Up Too Early

When my son was 2 his girlfriend was Kim Possible and Bubbles (of the Powerpuff Girls). He loved cartoons and watched Buzz Lightyear and Toy Story for years and years. He liked Scooby Doo, even through kindergarten and first grade, to the point that he wrote them letters. He wrote letters to a lot of cartoon characters, to the point that he really thought they were real. He wrote Kim Possible and asked her to go out with them. And I hated to disillusion him so I answered back. He had some major reality issues, but it was a young and innocent time. We always had cartoons on. It wasn't until he was older that he started moving on to Nickelodeon. He moved to Zach and Cody, Phil of the Future, and other Disney channel shows and from there it is now Drake and Josh, iCarly, and of curse the new Zach and Cody show that will start Friday. Unfortunately, my daughter is skipping all the cutesy cartoons. Now she watches PBS kids and likes DragonTales, Clifford and Curious George, but her first requests are for "Josh" and "Carly". She is into the teen shows already. I saw Brooke Shields on Jay Leno (yes, Jay) and she was saying how her 5 year old daughter loves the Jonas Brothers. My toddler is going to be old beyond her years. I have a feeling we're going to have issues in the future.

Kinesthetic Learning

While on the subject of education and learning I have to give a big thanks to my younger and apparently, much brighter sister. She figured out that my daughter is a kinesthetic learner. My son is totally audio and I was trying the same stuff that worked so well with him on her. Now that I have been enlightened on various learning styles my daughter is flourishing. Turns out she knew a whole lot more than she let on. My mother is amazed and says that while my son was verbal at her age, she talks circles around him. Of course, she's a girl, and well, ask my husband about women and their ability to talk...lol

Schools - Again

Tomorrow I am doing something I had sworn I wouldn't do--change my son's school - Again! Now I researched schools over the summer and planned to put him into a school that would enable him to settle in throughout his junior high school years. (Can't believe I am saying junior high). But, the school I thought would work is failing miserably. So tomorrow, he and I will be walking around the corner and signing him up there. This means more work will fall onto me because the public school system will only take him if he is on "independent study". As a side note this is bad timing because a temp agency called and are sending my resume out for an available position. Great, I don't know what to root for at this point...but I digress. Schooling-unbelievable that I have to do this. But it is for my son's long term educational benefit. He is a little too smart for his own good, and I don't mean that in a good way. First off he doesn't like on-line schooling. He loves to surround himself with the books and watch them shrink as he works his way through his day. The way this on-line school works is take the assessment first. If you pass it with a 90% or more you can skip all of the lessons. One test and voila! you are done. Guess what, my son has "mastered" all of his lessons at 100%. Sounds great, sounds like a genius. But - no...... There's a minor loophole. Once you take the assessment and hit "submit" the test will give you the results. It gives you all of the answers you gave, if they were right and if not, what the right answer is. Then he goes back out and retakes the test... We talked about it yesterday and I said well that's all fine and dandy but he's not learning anything. He said he's learning how to memorize. His first month into junior high school and he's figured out how to get around the system. Should I be worried about high school???

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Celebrities (In General)

Late last night I was on the Henry Cavill fan website. Now, let me clarify, I am not a fan, and while that sounds bad, it's only because I have never actually seen his work. I have a distant, fringe and very minor knowledge of him and was just being nosy. It was 1:00 am and I wasn't up to cerebral stuff. Anyway, just to read forum posts you have to join. Great, just to be nosy I had to join a fan website...never done that before. So, I'm reading about Henry's engagement being debunked and all kinds of speculation about his current and past girlfriends, whether she's from New Zealand, one of the two blondes he's posing with, or even his co-star in his upcoming movie or even if he is gay or not. Now the engagement rumor came from an obscure (sorry, no offense) blog, which was referred to by the "debunker". I had found out recently that people actually have "alerts" so they will know whenever anything referring to selected celebrities get posted and I thought it was crazy that anyone would do that. I mean isn't there anything more important to learn about. But I digress... apparently it's true. How else would that reference show up on this celebrity fan forum? Good Lord people, get a life!!! At one in the morning I was zoning out and just waiting for the caffeine to wind down so I can go to sleep so mindless surfing of the internet didn't seem too crazy. In the light of morning I realize that people do this all the time. With the endless posts analyzing who his girlfriend is/was/could be/should be, if he looks better in a suit/short hair/long hair, etc I have to admit that I feel quite sorry for the fellow. References were made that he is quite private and is keeping his love life under wraps. Well, duh!
I had noticed the same dissecting of another person's love life on his fan's website (I have only been to 2) and I have to tell you that I really feel sorry for celebrities. They have no privacy and are under constant scrutiny. It is difficult enough to be scrutinized from every angle while on a set filming, much less having it done to you just posing for regular fan photos. The other fan site actually has people who notice how many times the singer actually wears a certain type of shoe on stage...I mean give me a break! Shoes people!! Please put your energies to more worthwhile endeavors and realize that while their careers put them in the public eye speculating on every little thing they do only will make them more reclusive...and wary and distrustful of people. That is so not fair to them. Privacy is a good thing.
I will admit to celebrity lusting when I was younger. I was going to be Mrs. George Michael....don't know how I went so wrong with that one...lol I bought every teen magazine with his photo in it and collected everything he was remotely attached to. But I grew out of it!!!

My son wants to get into the industry as well and the lack of privacy is the one thing I am concerned about. Please, just let the people live their lives without constant scrutiny, and psycho analysis of every little pose, smile (fake, real, happy, etc), piece of clothing, shoes worn, etc. Women, please, if you're that bored, volunteer or get a worthwhile hobby. Celebrity stalking, even if from a distance, is NOT a hobby. Just because someone was born with a pretty face or a special ability doesn't make them any different from your next door neighbor or co-worker. Introduce yourself to your neighbor... or better yet, make them a cake and bring it over... Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all did that.... And you never know who may have moved in next door, could be the future love of your life... Don't miss out because you were so busy obsessing over the unattainable.