Hubby is off to a catering job. He has back to back catering jobs. Fortunately, he loves it. I only wish he'd cook more here. He is studying to be a chef and I am still making all of the meals... go figure.
Applying for jobs. Yeah, that's always fun.
Grades - would it kill teachers to post grades in a timely manner?? I have one grade I am waiting on and still nothing. Hubby has 3 left to post. Although in his case the later they post the better. I told him to stop procrastinating, but he didn't listen. He would get annoyed because I always had my head in a book while he played cards on the computer. Caught up with him. We'll see how well he did. He likes the "hands on," not the book work. Unfortunately, grades are mostly on book work.
Two weeks before the next semester. I guess I'd better start on my term paper. 23 days will go pretty fast.
A side note - interesting tidbit I found out. I was looking at county job postings and found out that with 60 semester credits I can qualify to be a probation officer for teens in a group home. Very interesting... actually quite odd, I would have thought they would want more of a requirement than that. I'm at 43 units and am expecting 6 more from January. Assuming I survive January. But I like the busyness, it keeps me off the streets and out of trouble...:) Nah! I can always make time for trouble!!
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