Saturday, July 19, 2008

Positive Side

On the plus side, I am now having some undivided attention with my daughter. Because I can't leave her at her grandparents she now comes everywhere with me. I heard her in trouble again because she was looking at stuff in the driveway and rearranging things. (They were having a garage sale). I gathered up my purse and bundled her into the car and off we went. Took her to the mall and we spent about 3 hours together. She was sweet and as good as can be. We ate pizza and I even got her an ice cream cone. So, her grandparents' loss is totally her gain (and mine too). We had so much fun together. Earlier I had let her ride her bike across the street to the park, so today we had lots of one-on-one time. And she totally thrives on it. My son would rather hang out here and be doted on. As he is older and quieter he is the doted on favorite. But with Sarah having her own attention, even if it is from her mom, she is coming into her own. Good for her, she deserves it.


I don't think I've ever heard shhhhh, or be quiet, don't, or stop it as much in the past two weeks (only 2 weeks, seems so much longer) as I have in the last few years put together. It's interesting because my two year old doesn't seem to have the tantrums she used to (hopefully she's totally outgrowing them), but her loudness comes from excitement or arguing with her brother. Yet she is staying in a house that is to be "quiet". I hear them talking to her telling her she needs to be quiet or she'll be sent outside-not just the room, but the house. (Who says that to a toddler?) She can't upset their kitty. If Lilah gets upset she'll run outside. Now I know the pecking order over here, the kitty, the 10 year old, then the 2 year old. How do you tell a two year old she has to be quiet all the time? It's like telling her not to be 2. Driving me insane. I found a place to watch Junior's fight, and ended up having to take her with me. I had gone downstairs and was leaving, but heard that "be quiet" lecture again. Sure enough she was banished out of the room and the door locked behind her. She was standing in the hall all by herself. Her grandfather was on his computer totally oblivious to her. I listened to the interaction as the quiet lecture continued after the door was again opened. Within a few seconds she was banished outside again. Of course she's yelling and banging on the door. Her brother is safely inside, while she is locked, yes locked, out. I put an end to the whole thing by saying I'm just taking her with me. And it was so much better for her. "Grandma" Vicky even watched cartoons with her at her house. Sarah loved having the attention. Just let her be 2 and stop stifling her. If it's loud because she's screaming in anger or because of a tantrum that's one thing, but because she's enjoying life, give me a break.