Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Need Help

Well, as many of you know I need help on multiple levels. I will settle for input regarding dieting. I followed through and went to the Biggest Loser site and typed in the requested info. Boy was I surprised. I never thought I actually looked like some of the women who are on the show, but apparently I am. I need to lose 20-30 pounds to be at a healthy weight. Now I need to come up with a plan. I do like to cook, but don't have a problem cooking healthy if I need to (which I apparently do). Exercise is difficult even though we have the treadmill and exercise bike. The problem is it is in our bedroom. Doesn't seem like a problem but it is, especially with a 2 year old. Using them while she is asleep causes her to want to jump on and join in leading to potential injury. Using them while she sleeps is another problem. She naps in our bed and the noise from them will wake her up. I am not a big eater and tend to eat for the first time after 2:00. What will help me to lose the weight I need to be healthy? What are your thoughts?

Taking Up a New Cause

Ok, now I have a new cause to take up. As most everyone knows the economy is down the tubes. You just have to drive down any given street to see the dead grass leading up to the weed infested abandoned homes. Yet these homes are not abandoned at the willing choice of their owners. Meet big banks. And while the owners scramble to find new housing, packing in a hurry to avoid meeting the sheriff with the eviction notice, there is an unseen victim as well. The pets that are left behind. I just finished reading that shelters are now flooded with family pets having to be left behind as their current position in life does not allow for them. One family had to give up their golden retriever of 12 years. Imagine the devastating impact that has on a confused animal,who does not know what is going on, as well as the children who are already giving up what they know, and now are losing a beloved friend. Animal groups rush in during times of natural disasters to rescue the animals. If this isn't a disaster I don't know what is. We all need to put our heads together and help with this crisis. If you leave your home for good, please don't leave your animal inside...they cannot feed themselves, or get water, so please don't make a bad situation worse. I know money is not there to help everyone who has lost their homes or will lose their homes, but even if you donate one can of food to a local shelter maybe they will be able to take in one more abandoned animal. Or volunteer, be a foster for one of these confused family pets. It's the least we can do to repay their loyalty to us.


It is ironic that a couple of my favorite shows happen to be on the same night and yet are totally opposite in content, attitude and spirit. We begin with the Biggest Loser. There, trainers are there to nurture and guide people on the path of health and fitness. There are sweat, tears and pain. The host asks probing questions about how they feel as they drop the weight, how they like the "new" person being discovered under those layers of fat. Emotions run high as people go on their emotional and physical transformations. Then there's the show after ---- Hell's Kitchen. Gordon Ramsey is my secret addiction. He is loud, rude and rather obnoxious, and needs his mouth washed out about every 2-3 minutes. This show has lots of crying, yelling, and swearing, although being bleeped out. I do feel sorry for the censor on that show. These aspiring chefs are sure put through their paces. They are sweating throughout the show too. If knew a person like Gordon in real life we probably couldn't stand to be around him for more than 5 minutes. Yet, here I sit, glued to the tv every Tuesday evening. And even worse, we have tracked down another show of his on the BBC. I haven't found out why I like the show so much, but it might because I like to watch other people suffer. Most of the contestants are so full of themselves they need to be brought down a little. So we go from low-cal, low-carb, low-fat to chefs learning how to cook high caloried meals with decadent desserts. Nurturing and caring to screaming and swearing. Kind of like taking an elevator, with its soft soothing music, and opening the doors to a heavy metal concert. And what is sad, I am responsible for other people getting hooked on Hells' Kitchen. To you I apologize and say get out while you can-save yourselves. And yet, I am excited beyond measure that my favorite reality show is back. Although I do like the Amazing Race and Survivor (yes, I know, wandering)..... and with all this talk of food I will take my wandering self to the kitchen to eat breakfast....hmmm, a danish or a banana.......wonderfully tasty or practical..... sorry, the Biggest Loser is a vague memory from last night by now, so I'm going to the dark side. Bon Apetit.

Almost Over

I will be glad when next Tuesday is over. I am tired of waking up Wednesday morning hungry. Normally we eat dinner later in the evening, which I have heard is probably not the healthiest thing to do, but again I wander off.... It is very disconcerting to sit down on a Tuesday evening, with your dinner plate piled high, and turn on the tv to watch ----- the Biggest Loser. Here we sit, stuffing our faces, while watching people exercise until they drop and eat celery and carrots. You sit back with your glass of wine and watch them toast to each others' success-with water. Last night the chef Rocco Dispirito came in to tell them how many calories their favorite meals had in them. What was sad was, Ali, had the same weakness I had. Well, come to think of it Mark did too. Ali's favorite meal was Prime Rib and baked potato. Yes, my all time favorite. Fortunately, with the economy the way it is (not that I'm happy about the economy) my days of indulging in prime rib are few and far between. Mark's favorite was ice cream, which I also love. They had to give up their way of eating to lose the weight and be healthy. Kind of loses something when you are rooting for them--the "you go girl" with mashed potatoes in your face. Fortunately, next week is the season finale. Hungry Wednesdays will be a thing of the past. I don't know if I will be happy because I can eat again, or my guilt will be gone. You see, I should apply myself to be a contestant. Watching those people have the self-discipline to stick to a diet and better themselves makes you take a look at yourself. Who cannot be impressed with people who lost 100 pounds. And be healthier while doing it. I think I will sign up today at the and see if I can be a healthier person today... Wishing you all a healthier you.