My son is an over achiever. He reminds me of me at his age. In the 7th grade were required to select a biography to read and do a book report. I did a book report on every person who was on the list. I like a challenge. My son has 6 classes and is supposed to spend one hour on each class per day. Is it me or has the public education system lowered their standards??? He finishes all six classes in about 2 hours or so. I listen to his discussions with his teachers and I'm like "really... this is what high school is..." He is taking Business and Consumer Math and she breaks down things to the most minute level. "If you work 40 hours at $8.50 an hour... how much will you make?" Really???? My son rolls his eyes and plays Cafe World while she rambles. (Yes, he is addicted too). He wants a challenge so I get to gear up to go up against his guidance counselor after this semester. He can technically be reclassified as a Junior, which will enable him to be eligible to attend community college concurrently with his high school classes. I am hoping this will keep him challenged! Please, let him be challenged!!! he wants to become a Corporate Counselor for Disney. That is his goal. Fortunately, I took one whopping class of Business Law and so I think the teacher will let him into her class in the spring. He wants to smoke the kids his age and be done with his Bachelor's before they graduate high school. Do I support him? This is difficult. His motivation may be negative (to show up kids his age or older) but at least negative motivation is some type of motivation. I can get him through community college without any funds out of pocket, but gee, looking at a university much less law school is extremely daunting. Prices are quite out of my range! Maybe MdDonald's isn't so bad after all, it's a job!
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