I just left campus today. I rarely go there as all of my classes are on-line. I needed a counselor to sign my add slip. This semester I will have 13 units (assuming I pass my classes). Finals are next week so we'll see what happens. So far I have passing grades, but we'll see what the finals hold. The semester ends on May 29th. Summer semester starts June 7th. I have 5 classes plus 1 lab for a total of 16 units. Doesn't sound so bad until you realize that this begins and ends within 6 weeks. No stress...
Oh, yeah... it gets better...
Fall - I am taking 7 classes for a total of 21 units!!! I doubled my courseload. You all probably think I'm an idiot... I probably am, but there is a logical reason. My financial aid is tied to my pursuing my degree in Accounting. (I actually should have my AS degree by this time next year, assuming I pass all my classes.) I need 31-32 credits for my major. I should have all but 10 by the end of the year. (The rest need me to be on campus). Problem is I want to switch majors. I need the 12 units for my major/general ed, so the excess classes are for what I am switching over to.
Husband's degree has to largest amount of major credits required at about 48, oh yeah, plus the 24 general ed. I totally abused him and set him up with a massive course load. He has 15 units this semester. He has 12 units for the summer (3 gen ed/1 major), and 18.5 for the fall. Come fall, all he will need for his major will be 5 classes, plus work experience. He should be done by next year. The rest of his general ed can be done on-line. I'll make it work... I am the master at arranging and rearranging schedules to maximize potential.
So, anyway.. the rest of the year will totally suck, because I will be studying, studying and then studying some more.... but I will become ever so much wiser!
How To Convert Kva To Amps
9 months ago