Saturday, April 11, 2009


Hmmmm. what do address....
My sister keeps telling me she wishes me happiness. Of cours, I am happy. But it's all relative....
I live in a bedroom with two children and a dog, The lack of privacy alone creates its ow issues... lol.
Everything we own is either in a storage unit or is in our bedroom. Our whole lives -the 4 of us-so I don't know where we go from there...
That aside.... my happiness is pretty much based on my children's happiness. My son is internalizing his issues so it is difficult to get to where he is at. So far he seems to be ok as long as he is with us. My daughter is bouncing off the walls and is climbing them as well. Turn out it doesn't appear she is doing as well as the son. With her and her father clashing she really has no where to turn. I wish I knew what to do do. I am at a loss. We have had multiple conversations as to "what would you do if", but well, although this issue was brought up in the general, it was not brought up in the "vague" it creates a problem. If I have a road B at lead I'd have some sort of route..... or it could die... I just wish I knew what do it...
But it explains my lack of romance......

Too Many Blogs

So I inadvertently logged out of this email and into another. What was saved and what is blogged I have no idea... lol. Too much technology for me..... Hopefully I can breathe and not have someone looking over my shoulder... that is what I'd like. If it's on this blog great... if not, guess I'd better find something else.....


Life.... I totally wish I knew what to do. I am so glad hubby doesn't remember I have a blog...
He has become very controlling lately.. monitoring my emails, cell phone calls, etc. Fortunately, I have been able to have some back door accounts...
Mexicans are another breed entirely My friend, Alice, and I have compared notes and we have come to the realization that Mexican males are possessive, short-tempered, and easily aggravated. That's the short version....
My hubby now monitors my calls, emails, etc. I don't want to think it's because he's insecure. I just feel he's bored. Mexican males are ultra macho. So when they are not working they seem to the the other extreme -insecure.
fyi--- that drives my crazy.....
I don't need someone looking over my shoulder every time I get an email, phone call or text. I am a fully functioning adult and can manage my own stuff just fine thank you very much.

So, my dear sister, you may realize why I am not realizing my I've aggravated.....