My hubby left for work at 8:00 this morhing and din't return until almost 7:30 in the evening. On the plus side, he did make a deposit. After he settled in we crunched numbers - and we were devastated. He deposited $1600, which, in a normal world would be great. Um, we need to cover $950 for this month's rent, $1560 in past due truck payments (that was post dated earlier in the month, storage, cell phones, and car insurance. As you can tell, we are already in the negative. As an accounting person my first reaction is HUH??? I actually saw tears in his eyes. He has worked every day for two weeks, now has nitro pills for his heart, and is running at a negative cash flow. He says that no matter what he does, he can't seem to bring in money. Turns out he hasn't paid his guys for two weeks and he had bought some tools a while back and needs to repay the company whose account they were charged on. Am I frazzled??? Just a bit. Oh wait... it gets better....
My second to last semester starts on Monday, a whopping 3 days away. I haven't been able to get one single book. Turns out we need my financial aid (as well as his) to pay our bills, and it hasn't come in. I will spend about $800 in books, but will make about $4000 for the semester. Oh, unless I can't get my books and will have to drop my classes. When we were talking budget, I said, oh and we need books and the response is "books are the last things on my mind." Um, checks were cut for 1/2 our financial aid and I don't have one book in house, or even ordered. I have checked the syllabus and I am going to be so screwed unless I have books in hand, and assignments completed by Wednesday. He already has not only his, but my, financial aid pre-spent. I am concerned that money that is supposed to be "extra" is no a requirement in our budget. I received an extra financial aid check in the summer and it had been spent within 5 days because he was short on a job. Out of all of my financial aid payments, I haven't spent more than $50 on myself. It has all been spent on his short0falls. And the irony is, it wasn't for the lack of trying. Hubby now has 2 full time guys he now has to support at $100 a day each plus lunch. Lunch gets expensive, because fast food isn't cheap. He spent the entire day yesterday fighting with a door. That means he not only didn't make money, he actually lost $200. He has had an ongoing job... his original bill he lost money because "I"ll make it up on this one... I had to throw in stuff to get this part...." Yeah, so far he hasn't made a dime and is now bleeding money. He ran a total of 16 errands today... which means he didn't make anything.... oh, and he had his employee with him.. So not only is he bleeding gas, not making money, he also gets to pay his employee $100. While his eyes were waterin, mine weren't so dry either... why... cause I see no break from this in our future. He says he is at his breaking point and can't do this much longer and I am at my wits end. We have all debts because as much as he works we are falling more and more behind. It is the 27th and we need to use this money to pay this month's rent and gee... in 4 days we start again. He has nitro pills and my ulcer is inflamed.... I need a serious influx of cash quickly.... what bank can I hit up???
How To Convert Kva To Amps
9 months ago