What has happened to professional courtesy. As a real estate agent in California I do not have info on properties in other states. Today I called a "sister" office in another state requesting basic info regarding a property in their locale. Did I get any help? Of course not. I got a generic "we'll call you back." I got creative and found out the info all by myself. But, if a need arose, would I call this office back offering them business. Heck NO!!! What is sad is this has happened twice now with the same company, albeit in a different state. The joys of being a part of a nationwide company. I left multiple messages a year ago requesting info on a parcel of land. Not even the courtesy of a reply. Very frustrating. Ever heard of building a relationship?? Not that you would do things for an ulterior motive, but if you make friends with others it's much better karma (not that I believe in karma, but couldn't think of another appropriate word). I have no problem giving out info to friends who I know are not in the market of buying/selling something, just because they need the info. Did it hurt me in any way? No. Takes probably all of 5 minutes of my time. On the flip side, there are others who use people just for info, then go in a totally different direction, but I digress.... All I ask from people is to display a basic human kindness. But if people are not helpful, be creative. Answers are out there...use your imagination, be resourceful and you'll find them.
1 comment:
Amen sister! It's about time you started writing about this. Just as chivalry is dead - the same goes for business losing sight that it is actually a business built on relationships...well, the good thing is that some people do remember. Then life keeps moving.
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