Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I am not a Macy's shopper. I wear more casual clothes than Macy's can provide, and well, my budget cannot afford Macy's prices. Yet here I am working in a Macy's store. This store is huge. It is three stores... has two escalators and an elevator. It has two mall entrances... on each level. Oh yeah, and at the other end of the mall, there's another Macy's-for men's and home furnishings. Good grief! That's a lot of Macy's stuff. Now I am getting paid to well, basically, stand around. I don't work for Macy's and so cannot ring stuff up. I did figure out how to do price checks, which isn't in my job description, at least relieves the monotony of just standing around. So I spend my hours just chit chatting with the other employees. Turns out 90% of the employees also don't feel like they are the "Macy's target demographic". In talking with the other women, turns out that with what they make, they cannot even afford to shop in the very store they work at. Interesting....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nordstroms is the place to work at. On top of the basic pay which started from 18-25 per hour plus commission, it makes it worth your while. but then again, slaving for the madness never makes it worth your while... Good grief...