I've always known I was a type A personality. It manifested itself while I was in high school. (Extra credit was to do a book report on 1 of 20 biographies and I did all 20). It has reared its ugly head throughout my working career. I have taken time off of work to raise and home school my children so I thought it had been tamed. WRONG!!!! As I am back in school, I have realized it is alive and well and thriving inside of me. I obsess over every 1/4 point and worry over every fraction of a grade. After years away from school, I am getting As and Bs and yet I obsess over every point given (or not given). If I survive this first semester back in school I will be amazed.... I lay awake and stress over every assignment...
And yet I have to give credit to a certain someone who pushed me to go back. Well, to you... I have to say Thank You and yes, I was stupid for not doing it earlier..... Without you Ab and I would never have pursued a higher education.... which we totally love. I am going go get 12 credits and he is going to get like 17 or 18.... and it's all due to your encouragement. Although I miss our daily phone calls and interactions, I still feel you in our lives as I study late into the night and on weekends (it's all positive) and know we never would have done this without you.. so THANK YOU!!! I was stupid for not doing this earlier!!
How To Convert Kva To Amps
9 months ago
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