Wednesday, May 26, 2010


So grades are trickling in. I'm going to get an A in Business Law. I loved this class. It was so interesting and I could see myself in the law field... and yet.... My favorite class was psychology. It's not over until Friday, so it still is my favorite class. I am learning so much about myself. I'm understanding how I got this way in my life. Now if I could only figure out how to fix myself... lol. But grades... I'm going to get a B in nutrition. Ironic considering the fact that in real life my nutrition sucks. Hopefully, I can apply what I've learned and improve my family's nutrition and health. A "B" is huge considering this class was hard. I thought it would be learning how to eat this and not eat that. Turns out it was a science class and I learned way more than I wanted to about my body and it's internal functions and the biology if foods. Last class is Accounting. The one I thought I'd ace. We'll see what happens... took the final today.... we'll see.

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