Ok, so at the last minute we are now not going to San Diego for my job test. I was told we have been to so many test and the results have been nothing so why bother. Nice!!! I thought we had come to a meeting of the minds on Friday. I said I could live with a "yes" and I could live with a "no" but I can't live with indecisiveness. If we are not going to SoCal we need to make life here comfortable and work with this new reality. Um, as of Saturday that went out the window. Hubby wants to order cable and internet but with the proviso that we can have it move with us. Um, yeah, since my parents already have both cable and internet we can't get separate accounts. As of this morning, he said we were not going to SoCal for my test. Now, he has us planned to be out of here by the end of the month, even if we move to Mexico. Um... ok.... How has our situation improved? I am still trying to get my daughter eligible to go to school. Problem of a tb test. It is only good for the county in which you reside. If I get her scheduled for her test and we move, she has to do it again. Also, if we move to Mexico, my schooling just went out the window as well. He said he'll know by the end of the week what we are doing. It's going to be a long week!
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