I am trying to cut back on my alcohol intake. Yesterday, all I drank was water. I have cut out all of my daily soda intake. Last week I hade my Pepsi One on Monday and Saturday. All the other days I only drank water. Lost 5 pounds in a week. Yippee!!
Then I get family stress - bring on the booze... My poor body is so confused!!!
I try go talk to the husband and get "yeah, yeah, yeah." Ok, whatever... communication is not important. We've gone 20 years without deep conversations, what's a few more years...
Problem is, he doesn't talk to the kids either. I listen to my son and his plans for the future and none of his plans include his father - SNAP! You get out, what you put in. Hope you are prepared for the repercussions. Goodness, I had no idea how deep my son's issues go with his father.
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9 months ago
Thank you for being so vulnerable Sherry.
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