Monday, May 12, 2008


Sometimes I think the only thing that keeps me together is stress. Now I have always been a stressed person. I worry about anything and everything. Of course I learned from my doctor many years ago that apparently being stressed has its benefits. I had a permanent injury that could have been much worse had I not suffered from stress. The tension and bunched muscles in my back prevented my back injury from being a major catastrophe. My doctors were happy I was suffered from stress. Stress and two major vices. That being said, sometimes I do worry about really important things. I worry about my family and my friends. I want everyone to be happy and wish I could make it happen for them. I guess my vices could be much worse. I do have other vices but that's for another blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stress in a balanced way is great but too much of either side isn't. I hope your load lightens love always to you and yours.