Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Internet Connection

I really hate wifi. Last night (or should I say early morning) I decided to take my proficiency exam for a job I applied for. The test consisted of about 5 different segments. One was a typing exam, another was inputting info that was being relayed through a simulated call, another was multi-tasking, and so on. I kept losing my connection. I was in the middle of my 4th call (out of 8) with 3 1/2 minutes left (out of 10) and the connection went "poof." Didn't come back up until I had about 20 seconds left and I was unable to pick up where I left off. Now the thing that aggravates me about this whole thing is the fact that I am paying a monthly service for this thing. I am definitely not getting my money's worth. So that job is now down the drain... It's hard enough to find a job, much less have my connection sabotage my efforts.

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